Legal Services Delivery

Following the first part of the Viewabill webinar (recording with audio available here), we headed into the next presentation, "Measuring Up." Viewabill says: 

It may come across as unseemly to acknowledge, but at its core, the practice of law is a business. What are some key performance metrics that firms use to determine whether they consider an engagement to have been "successful" and what is currently being done with those metrics in areas such as employee performance, operational efficiency, and predictive models?"

Clients apply their own set of metrics for determining quality, value, and success. What are some of the metrics they use when selecting outside counsel?"

Metrics and data are where it’s at these days, so it’s important to hear what both sides of the legal coin are doing. The speakers for this panel were: 

Vincent Cordo Jr., Global Director of Client Value, Reed Smith, LLP
D. Casey Flaherty, Corporate Counsel, Kia Motors
Rick Howell, Director of Financial Systems, Perkins Coie, LLP
Michael Hourwitz, Chief Financial Officer, Venable, LLP

Kenneth A. Grady, CEO, SeyfarthLean Consulting, LLCContinue Reading The Buzz About Metrics