Since our Regional Meeting of the Americas kicks off on Thursday, there’s no more appropriate time to check in with some networking tips than today! We’ve covered a lot of "to dos" when it comes to networking, so today, I thought we’d take a look at what we should avoid doing when it comes to networking, and how to fix any networking mistakes we might make.
In early October, Mashable shared this great list of the 5 Worst Networking Flops, and How to Recover From Them. There are two that are particularly important for lawyers when networking, and those are the two we’ll focus on in today’s Two for Tuesdays. Add your big pet peeves for networking in the comments, and your suggestions for recovering from them!
Flop One: Too Much "You" in the Conversation
Raise your hand if this has ever happened to you – you’re deep in conversation with someone you’ve just met (or even someone you know well), only to realize that you’ve been talking about yourself the whole time! What to do?Continue Reading Two for Tuesdays: Networking Mistakes