It’s that time of year again – the LMA Annual Conference rolls around in just a few short weeks! It’s a great opportunity to make new friends and renew relationships, so I thought I’d keep a list of those attending as I’m advised, as well as their Twitter names (so anyone interested in the conference who can’t attend can follow along). Also, don’t forget to follow #LMA2010 and #LMA10. Heather Milligan will be posting information about a tweetup only on Twitter:
Lindsay Griffiths (@lindsaygriffith)
Nancy Myrland (@nancymyrland)
Heather Milligan (@heathermilligan)
Nat Slavin (@natslavin)
Gail Lamarche (@gaillamarche)
Lance Godard (@lancegodard)
Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview)
Nathan Darling (@nathandarling)
Megan McKeon (@meganmckeon)
Leigh George (@leighgeorge)
Caroline Baynes (@senyab)
Andre Mazerolle (@redbeardandre)
Russell Lawson (@Russ23229)
Jayne Navarre (@jaynenavarre)
Larry Bodine (@larrybodine)
Gina Rubel (@ginarubel)
John Byrne (@johnmbyrne)
Jeff Yerkey (@JeffBob)
Rebecca Wissler (@rebeccawissler)
Felice Wagner (@felicewagner)
Stephanie Thum (@stephaniethum)
Jennifer Johnson (@jjohnsonnyc)
Jonathan Groner (@jgronerpr)
Brian Pitts (@chicagoprpro)
Lydia Bednerik (@lydiabednerik)
Jill Clark Rako (@aceismyname)
Jon Holden (@holdencalgary)
Sally Schmidt (@sallyschmidt)
Ritchenya Dodd
Josephine Pope (@popejosephine)
Sonny Cohen (@SonnyCohen)
Marc Hollander (@marcthollander)
Nancy Slome (@nancyslome)
Alli Gerkman (@gerkmana)
Lisa Simon (@legalmediagirl)
Adrian Lurssen (@jdtwitt, @jdsupra)
Bill Ferdinand (@zunpartners)
Meghan Freeman (@meghanefreeman)
Corey Garver (@coreygarver)
Betsi Roach (@betsiroach)
Melanie Green (@melaniegreen)
Denise Dewling (@ddewling)
Kate Scoptur (@katescoptur)
Mark Elliott (@elliottmarkc)
Kevin Houchin (@kevinhouchin)
Jamie B. Field (@jaimiefield) *Not attending, but would like to get to know LMA members better!
Susannah BG (@susannahBG)
Alin Wagner-Lahmy (@alinwagnerlahmy)
Craig Levinson (@craiglevinson)
Mike O’Horo (@salescoach)
Patrick DiDomenico (@lawyerkm)
Caitlin Fisher (@caitlinmfisher)
Lindsay Weber (@lindsayweb)
John Stanley (@johnlstanley)
Patrick Fuller (@pjfuller)
Steve Bell (@stevembell)
Tim Corcoran (@tcorcoran)
Paramjit Mahli (@scglprnetwork)
Jeff Roberts (@jeffreymroberts)
Laura Gutierrez (@duetsblog)
Chris Fritsch (@crmsuccess)
Kate Haueisen (@kateh32)
Rachael Loper (@rachaeldc)
Chris Whitmore (@chris_whitmore)
Jenn Bullett (@hubbardone)
Tamara Bigford (@bsocialllc)
I’ll add other attendees and their Twitter names as I’m advised of them!