In today’s rapidly evolving legal landscape, relationship marketing remains a cornerstone for business development. However, the strategies that worked in the past need to be updated to resonate with the expectations of modern clients and colleagues. Here are two key tactics to modernize your relationship marketing approach:Continue Reading Relationship Marketing for Lawyers: Strategies for Meaningful Connections
Social Media
Mastering Modern Networking: Listening and Connection Strategies for Business Lawyers
Networking remains one of the most powerful tools for building professional relationships, but it’s often misunderstood. Many lawyers feel the need to lead with their expertise, thinking that showcasing their knowledge will automatically attract clients. However, the most successful networkers know that effective networking is more about listening than speaking.Continue Reading Mastering Modern Networking: Listening and Connection Strategies for Business Lawyers
Five Networking Tips for Business Lawyers in Today’s Evolving Landscape
The landscape of networking has shifted dramatically due to recent global events, but business lawyers have unique opportunities to leverage these changes to their advantage. Here are five updated strategies to help you navigate networking in the current environment:Continue Reading Five Networking Tips for Business Lawyers in Today’s Evolving Landscape
Kindness in a Digital World: Building Positive Brands and Relationships
On average, a person engages in 145-200 interactions daily, both in-person and online. However, only 10-20% of these interactions are truly memorable. Among all these interactions, approximately 5-10% are negative, while 7-20% are positive. This means that despite the sheer volume of daily exchanges, only a small fraction will leave a lasting impact.
When you look at all of that data, and what each individual rates as important in their own lives, consider for a moment where their attention on YOU as a lawyer or your firm as a brand may rank.Continue Reading Kindness in a Digital World: Building Positive Brands and Relationships
LinkedIn Strategy Unveiled: Elevate Your Professional Networking Game
In an era where LinkedIn reigns as a premier platform for professional networking, the notion of instant results and effortless connections can be misleading. Dispelling the myth of a magic formula, this post dives into the core of effective LinkedIn engagement for modern professionals. Brace yourself for a reality check – there’s no shortcut, just strategic diligence, and genuine effort.Continue Reading LinkedIn Strategy Unveiled: Elevate Your Professional Networking Game
Mastering Modern LinkedIn: Strategies for Professional Success
In a digital age teeming with advice on LinkedIn utilization, it’s crucial to cut through the noise and focus on strategies that resonate with the demands of today’s professional landscape. Let’s rewind a bit and revisit the early days of LinkedIn, about 15 years ago. Back then, the platform was a fledgling concept, and its potential was not universally recognized, especially among legal circles. Fast forward to the present, and LinkedIn has evolved into one of the most esteemed social media platforms, not just for networking, but also for strategic business development.Continue Reading Mastering Modern LinkedIn: Strategies for Professional Success
Happy 14th Anniversary to Zen & The Art of Legal Networking!
When I wrote my first blog post on February 26, 2009, I could hardly have imagined where we’d be 14 years later. It would be fun to try to predict, and maybe I’d have gotten some of it right, but I try not to guess at the future.
One of the things I suspect we’d all have gotten right in some form is ChatGPT. I have been loathe to try it for many reasons – I’m not a technophobe, as you can all imagine, nor am I someone who advocates for lawyers to run and try the next big thing. Though, for those of you who have clients who may be using it or dipping their toe in the water, you know I will suggest you get to know it intimately for the usual legal reasons.Continue Reading Happy 14th Anniversary to Zen & The Art of Legal Networking!
Trending topics…a fool’s errand?
Today, we’re bringing you a special guest post, from one of the ILN’s marketing professionals! Alina Crisu is the PR & Communication Associate with LLPO Law Firm in Cyprus and she’s got a thoughtful post on how to respond to trending topics.
A topic recently came to my attention that was also brewing in my head: should marketers who work for law firms follow social media topic trends? The answer is simple but the reality is far more complex.Continue Reading Trending topics…a fool’s errand?
Lawyers: Develop Business with Storytelling
Now. Before you freak out and imagine that I’m suggesting that you become either a bard or a liar, just bear with me for a little bit to understand what I mean by “storytelling.” (Hopefully, you’ve also read last week’s post as well.)
Daily, we interact with lots of people – this happens in person, at our offices, in the coffee shop, at our kids’ sporting events, or in art classes. It happens online, through our group chats, text messages with friends, Facebook shares, LinkedIn comments, etc. We interact so much and so frequently, that we’ve reached a real saturation point with these interactions, and even with our professional messages, we can see a lack of care that a lot of us are giving to the details over the tools and the shiny new thing. Instead, we’re just blindly producing more and more and more and more, adding more noise (as Adrian Lurssen would say).
Continue Reading Lawyers: Develop Business with Storytelling
LinkedIn for Lawyers: There’s no Magic Bullet
Bad news everyone.
There’s no magic bullet when it comes to LinkedIn. Or, for that matter, any business development or marketing tool.
There’s only strategy and hard work.
Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.
Are there instances where you’ll connect with someone and they’ll immediately buy your services or you’ll write a post and it will go viral? Absolutely! That’s down to luck (and sometimes, strategy and hard work behind the scenes). But it’s not because there’s some trick to it all. You’re not going to suddenly “figure it all out” and have one tool be doing all the work for you and bringing you lots and lots of clients. It doesn’t work like that.
Continue Reading LinkedIn for Lawyers: There’s no Magic Bullet