One of the important messages in terms of social media that came out of this year’s LMA Annual Conference is that “you cannot be a proxy for someone else’s relationship – the lawyers have to do it themselves.” But in the busy world of attorneys, where time is quite literally money, what about ghostblogging?
For the uninitiated, ghostblogging is much like ghostwriting, where someone else is paid to blog posing as you or your company. Aside from the usual concerns about liability, which I would say are magnified when discussing the idea of having someone else pose as an attorney, it seems to go against the very idea behind social media, which is to use these new technologies to form personal relationships with people, sometimes for business and sometimes not.
Reading “The Death of Social Media” this morning, I had to agree with Mitch Joel when he asked “Can we stop the madness?” He says:
“I’m being naive (I know), people will say, ‘someone writes the speech for the President’ or ‘if people like it and connect to the content, who cares who writes it?’ I dunno, I do. People have lost faith in marketing (just like they have lost faith in those who serve the public office and celebrities). We allow things that shouldn’t be… to be. Saying that ghostwriters have been around for years doesn’t make it right or authentic. Times have changed, and these platforms are (or should be) celebrated for the human and real side. Can you imagine that some Blogs, Twitter and Facebook feeds that you follow are not the real person, but the musings of someone else who simply interviewed the person you thought that you were following? Sure, there’s a place for ghostwriters, but maybe Social Media isn’t one of them? If we keep heading down this road, doesn’t Social Media become nothing more than a boring, traditional mass media channel?“
I’m curious to hear what those in the legal community think about ghost blogging, and how lawyers can manage the balance between their valuable time and pursusing social media (Disclaimer: I’m a strong believer that lawyers spending time creating relationships through social media and then taking these offline is a valuable use of their time.)