On Saturday, February 26th, it will be our two year anniversary here at Zen & the Art of Legal Networking!
In the past year, we’ve had a lot of exciting things happen:
- We joined the LexBlog family of blogs.
- We’ve been included in LexBlog’s “Best in Law Blogs” five times.
- JD Supra has helped to increased our distribution.
- We’ve been nominated for the ABA’s Blawg 100.
- We’ve published 85 posts.
- We’ve had over 10,000 views of our posts.
Our top posts included:
- Webinar Re-cap: Facebook & Twitter for Lawyers with Dave Kerpen of Likeable Media and Nancy Myrland of Myrland Marketing Part I
- Lawyers: What Can We Learn From Zappos?
- Client Development 101 for 2011 & Beyond with Cordell Parvin – a LexBlog Webinar Re-Cap
- Are Social Media Consultants Really Necessary for Law Firms?
- LMA Attendees
With all that excitement in the past year, we can’t wait to see what this year will bring us! Happy blog-i-versary to Zen!