As you may know, I’m a proud member of the leadership committee for the Legal Marketing Association’s Social Media Shared Interest Group (how’s that for a mouthful? We go by LMA Social Media SIG for short). Last year, we kicked off a new tradition – putting together 12 days of social media. The topics range from some of the best bloggers out there in the legal marketing field to recommended connections on LinkedIn and more. It was an incredibly fun project, and we capped it off with a Google+ Hangout that served as our holiday "party." Check out all of last year’s posts here.
This year, we wanted to get a little more in-depth, and create some real resources for our members. We’re already up to Day 10, and if you haven’t taken a look yet, I highly recommend it. We’ve got some smart people leading this SIG, with some fabulous advice. Some of the things we’ve covered this year include:
- Sample social media policies
- Social media faux pas and how to handle them
- Best practices for law firms using Facebook
- Suggested visual tools, like Pinterest and Instagram
- Where to connect with the Legal Marketing Association
- Best practices for LinkedIn
- How to handle the social media naysayers
- Top legal marketing bloggers
We’ve got a couple more days left, which you won’t want to miss. Feel free to add your suggestions if you think we’ve missed something and join the conversation! We’ve opened these posts up publicly, so you don’t have to be a member of the Legal Marketing Association to read them!
But if you’re interested in the LMA – the 12 days of Social Media are a sliver of what you get when you’re an LMA Social Media SIG member. We host regular Social Media webinars with experts inside and outside of the legal profession. As a member of the Social Media SIG, these posts and invitations will be sent to you automatically via the Groups ediscussion Forum.
To get full benefits, and advance notice of our events, please join (these are members’s only):
The Social Media SIG
The LinkedIn LMA Social Media SIG private group
The LMA Social Media private group on Facebook, and
If you’re not already a member of LMA, please join us here.