Welcome to ILN-terviews, a series of profiles of ILN member firm attorneys, designed to give a unique insight into the lawyers who make up our Network. For our latest interview, we chose ILN member, Dimpy Mohanty of our member firm LexCounsel Law Offices in New Delhi, India.
In one sentence, how would you describe your practice?
Responsive and business-oriented.
Who would be your typical client?
One looking for advice which is well-rounded and covers diverse practice areas.
What would you like clients and potential clients to know about you?
That we at LexCounsel offer practical solutions based on, but not bogged down by a narrow reading of, law.
What has been your most challenging case? Why?
A transaction involving the transfer of an educational institution to a client. Other than the complexity of the matter stemming from the education sector being a highly regulated sector, the matter required bringing in the skills of a UN diplomat! The older generation of the transferring family was (i) sentimentally attached to the institution which they had founded and hence prone to heart stopping frequent doubts, and (ii) being ignorant of the due diligence process, regarded every request for information and documents as an act of distrust and invasion of privacy.
What has been your proudest moment as a lawyer?
There has been so much joy, but the proudest I believe it is still to come.
What do you do when you’re not practicing law?
Read, travel, watch the world.
What would surprise people most about you?
Initially, that I am a woman – since my name is not suggestive of my gender. Later, that I have an inordinate capacity for and store of trivia.
What has been your most memorable ILN experience?
It’s the fellowship which ensures that you seek out fellow ILN members even at non-ILN events – the most recent being chasing down a fellow member through five days, multiple venues and over 3000 delegates at the IBA conference to meet finally on the last day.
What career would you have chosen if you weren’t a lawyer?
Public Relations, Writing, Mystery Shopping or a combination of all three.
If a movie were made of your life, who would you want to play you?
Sandra Bullock.
How would you like to be remembered?
As someone who could be counted on.