“Unwrap” the latest edition of the ILN Real Estate Group’s Guide for Buying & Selling Real Estate!
The International Lawyers Network’s Real Estate Specialty Group is excited to announce the sixth release of its real estate publication, “Buying & Selling Real Estate: An International Guide.” This collaborative electronic guide offers a summary of key real estate law principles in 31 countries across the globe, serving as a quick, practical reference for those buying and selling real estate in these jurisdictions.
Real estate continues to be a key focus for many jurisdictions as we navigate our second year of the pandemic. Our previous guide has been updated with current figures and regulations, including those as they related to COVID-19. We have also further expanded the guide with three new jurisdictions, Canada – Ontario, Italy, and Ukraine. We’re happy to offer this strong resource for those buying and selling real estate in these jurisdictions.
To view the guide, please click here: https://bit.ly/ILNRealEstate2021