Corporate Social Responsibility

As things get literally hotter this summer, one of the “hot” topics on many people’s minds is sustainability. Also, ice cream, but I digress.

At the ILN, we’ve been thinking about sustainability for a while now. As the Network’s only employee, it has made sense for many years that I work remotely from a home office and we used the pandemic as an excuse to go completely paperless at our conferences, except for our name tags. I’ve been paperless at our office for much longer. Continue Reading Sustainability in Professional Legal Organizations

This fall, ILN members will have the good fortune to participate in a webinar with Pamela Cone, founder and CEO of Amity Advisory. Pam is speaking on the global movement behind corporate social responsibility and sustainability for law firms, and why firms should care, and in advance of that, I’ll be sharing some guest posts with you that may aid in your own efforts. Here is the third and final post in our series.


How does your social impact program rate? Globally, firms are finding that prospects and clients, as well as employees and recruits expect them to take their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability programs to a new level. These stakeholders expect you to show that you have a holistic, strategic social impact plan with measurable results.
Continue Reading Corporate responsibility and social impact for law firms: Create a social impact program that measures up