Today, we’re bringing you a special guest post, from one of the ILN’s marketing professionals! Alina Crisu is the PR & Communication Associate with LLPO Law Firm in Cyprus and she’s got some great advice on optimizing your website to give you a competitive edge in your market.


Crowded markets are plentiful with potential clients and competitors to learn from. But how to run a remarkable business in such a crowded place? And how to make a potential client choose to pay attention to your business and services?
Continue Reading Optimisation – the key to success in a crowded market

Today, I am bringing you a guest post from my friend, Lance Godard! Lance has spent three decades within the legal profession, in-house and as a consultant, helping lawyers and practice groups grow their book of business. He’s the founder of The Godard Group, a marketing communications firm for lawyers and firms. You can