Pre-pandemic, we were discussing the crucial skills young lawyers needed to master for success, and it’s striking to think that one of those was in-person presentation skills. While we have returned to face-to-face interactions, we have also learned that it’s imperative to enhance our virtual presentation abilities. We might assume that being adept presenters translates seamlessly to Zoom, but mastering online delivery requires a distinct skill set. Here are five ways to adapt your in-person prowess to the virtual realm, along with some bonus tips for virtual presentations:Continue Reading Mastering Virtual Presentations: Five Strategies to Enhance Your Online Delivery Skills

As April ushers in a new season, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our career journeys and seek inspiration for the road ahead. On our podcast, Law Firm ILN-telligence, we often delve into the pivotal lessons learned by legal professionals throughout their careers. With spring in full swing, I’m excited to share some of these invaluable insights to energize and motivate you on your professional climb. Join me as we explore essential career lessons that every lawyer should embrace for success in the legal world.Continue Reading Climbing the Legal Ladder: Career Insights Every Lawyer Needs to Succeed

In our ongoing series on essential soft skills for lawyers, we’ve tackled the basics and presentations, and now, we’re diving into the realm of business writing. While you might be proficient in legal jargon, effective business writing demands clarity, conciseness, and accessibility – qualities that resonate with both legal and non-legal audiences alike.

So, how can you enhance your business writing prowess in today’s digital landscape?Continue Reading Elevating Your Business Writing Skills

As we started to discuss last week, in the realm of legal practice, mastering soft skills is just as crucial as understanding the law itself. One such skill that often requires refinement is the art of presentation. Whether you’re a fledgling attorney or a seasoned professional, effective presentation skills can significantly bolster your career trajectory.Continue Reading 4 Key Strategies for Mastering Legal Presentations

As the legal landscape evolves, mastering soft skills alongside legal expertise is crucial for success. While the industry continues to change, certain foundational skills remain essential for lawyers at every career stage.

As I mentioned last week, I planned to update some of my older posts to ensure that they’re still relevant for a modern audience (I **wanted** to write a post to celebrate fifteen years of blogging this week, but the time slipped away from me, so stay tuned for that – better late than never, right?). Continue Reading Essential Soft Skills for Modern Lawyers: Navigating the Legal Landscape

Over the last few years, we have offered a program to our young lawyers, which is an introduction to the ILN that includes networking opportunities, business development, and presentations on international business.

We also like to discuss specific topics that our young lawyers have identified as relevant to them – to that end, I’ll be sharing some of those topics here on Zen for you, starting with our first one, personal branding. Continue Reading Your Professional Identity: Personal Branding in the Legal Industry