Networking remains one of the most powerful tools for building professional relationships, but it’s often misunderstood. Many lawyers feel the need to lead with their expertise, thinking that showcasing their knowledge will automatically attract clients. However, the most successful networkers know that effective networking is more about listening than speaking.Continue Reading Mastering Modern Networking: Listening and Connection Strategies for Business Lawyers
Five Networking Tips for Business Lawyers in Today’s Evolving Landscape
The landscape of networking has shifted dramatically due to recent global events, but business lawyers have unique opportunities to leverage these changes to their advantage. Here are five updated strategies to help you navigate networking in the current environment:Continue Reading Five Networking Tips for Business Lawyers in Today’s Evolving Landscape
Beyond Legal Advice: Understanding Your Clients for Better Service
In today’s ever-evolving legal landscape, maintaining strong client relationships is more crucial than ever. Clients expect not only legal expertise but also personalized service, empathy, and a deep understanding of their unique needs and concerns. To truly succeed as a lawyer, you must adopt your client’s perspective and tailor your approach accordingly. Here’s how you can achieve that in today’s legal environment:Continue Reading Beyond Legal Advice: Understanding Your Clients for Better Service
Clash of Meetings: Virtual vs. In-Person – Which Reigns Supreme?
In this ongoing saga, we’ve witnessed the rise of virtual gatherings over the past couple of years, with many of us now yearning to return to in-person interactions. So, which mode of meeting takes the crown? The answer might surprise you—it’s a tie!
Virtual meetings have become an indispensable part of our professional lives, offering a plethora of advantages. But before you ditch your webcam for good, let’s delve into the benefits of both virtual and in-person meetings, and why you should embrace them both.Continue Reading Clash of Meetings: Virtual vs. In-Person – Which Reigns Supreme?
Legal Myths about Marketing
While I’m out of the office for our 2023 European Regional Conference in Prague, I am bringing you a guest post from a familiar writer – you may remember hearing from Alina Crisu of LLPO Law Firm in Nicosia, Cyprus previously when she wrote about Optimisation – the key to success in a crowded market or Trending topics…a fool’s errand? or when we had her on as a guest on our podcast. This week, she’s discussing myths about legal marketing. Continue Reading Legal Myths about Marketing
LinkedIn Strategy Unveiled: Elevate Your Professional Networking Game
In an era where LinkedIn reigns as a premier platform for professional networking, the notion of instant results and effortless connections can be misleading. Dispelling the myth of a magic formula, this post dives into the core of effective LinkedIn engagement for modern professionals. Brace yourself for a reality check – there’s no shortcut, just strategic diligence, and genuine effort.Continue Reading LinkedIn Strategy Unveiled: Elevate Your Professional Networking Game
Strategic Relationship Marketing: Elevating Your Legal Practice in the Modern Era
In today’s interconnected world, the concept of relationship marketing has become a cornerstone of success for lawyers seeking to expand their practice. If you’re already familiar with the power of cultivating connections or if you’re looking to formalize a strategy you’ve been using, this post will delve into the essence of relationship marketing and how to leverage it for your legal practice.Continue Reading Strategic Relationship Marketing: Elevating Your Legal Practice in the Modern Era
Navigating Networking: Strategies for the Current Landscape
Let’s face it – we’re still in the midst of a changing world, and the dynamics of networking have evolved considerably. However, amidst the changes, some principles remain unwavering. As we approach the start of another fall amid ongoing uncertainty, let’s delve into how networking strategies have adapted and what remains constant.Continue Reading Navigating Networking: Strategies for the Current Landscape
How to Harness the Power of Storytelling to Influence your Audience
I can just hear you now.
“Woooo, Lindsay. Have you left the legal market altogether? Storytelling? Audiences? I know you’ve talked about this before, but this isn’t ENGLISH class for pete’s sake. It’s THE LAW.”
Yes, you’re right, it IS the law, but storytelling remains essential, even when you’re solving legal issues. You may remember this post about the panel I spoke on in December. I am lucky enough to be reprising this session with another moderator and my co-panelists at the LMA’s Annual Conference in Hollywood, Florida, next month, and we’ve been really delving into this idea of why storytelling is so important.Continue Reading How to Harness the Power of Storytelling to Influence your Audience
Build New Habits to Get New Results
Have you ever heard the saying “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?”
Well, the counter-argument could be made that to get new results, you need to build new habits. It has been said that you need 21 days of doing something to make it a habit – so if you start now, by the end of October, you’ll have some new habits built into your routine!
What do I mean by that?
Continue Reading Build New Habits to Get New Results