Future of the Law Firm

The shift to virtual and hybrid networking has brought both opportunities and challenges for business lawyers. While virtual connections can broaden your reach, they also come with unique difficulties, such as screen fatigue and the lack of personal touch. Here’s how you can overcome the common negatives of modern networking to make meaningful connections:Continue Reading Overcoming Networking Challenges in a Hybrid World: Tips for Business Lawyers

Reading this article was a powerful and emotional experience. Sometimes, we know certain truths, but seeing them confirmed with actual data can be both validating and heartbreaking.

“Whether women have children or don’t have children, want children or don’t want children, they are perceived as less worthy of positions, promotions, and earnings than their male colleagues. As noted in legal scholar Joan C. William’s book Unbending Gender, ‘The impact of motherhood shadows every woman, narrowing her options. Even those without children may be harmed.’ Yet if we keep marginalizing women at work — no matter their parental status — we all lose out. Innovation requires a diversity of ideas and perspectives. As a World Economic Forum study found, companies with above-average diversity reported higher innovation revenue than those with below-average diversity. When half the population is kept from contributing or advancing at work, societal progress is slowed.”

How Biases About Motherhood Impact All Women at Work

In my own career, I have been told that my perspectives would change once I have children. I have also witnessed hiring decisions influenced by a woman’s potential for motherhood, and I have observed how women without children are often expected to take on more work, as their time is perceived to be “less valuable.” This issue is playing out in real time on the political stage as well.Continue Reading Combating Biases: Supporting Women in the Workplace Beyond Motherhood

In today’s ever-evolving legal landscape, maintaining strong client relationships is more crucial than ever. Clients expect not only legal expertise but also personalized service, empathy, and a deep understanding of their unique needs and concerns. To truly succeed as a lawyer, you must adopt your client’s perspective and tailor your approach accordingly. Here’s how you can achieve that in today’s legal environment:Continue Reading Beyond Legal Advice: Understanding Your Clients for Better Service

As things get literally hotter this summer, one of the “hot” topics on many people’s minds is sustainability. Also, ice cream, but I digress.

At the ILN, we’ve been thinking about sustainability for a while now. As the Network’s only employee, it has made sense for many years that I work remotely from a home office and we used the pandemic as an excuse to go completely paperless at our conferences, except for our name tags. I’ve been paperless at our office for much longer. Continue Reading Sustainability in Professional Legal Organizations

There’s only one answer that my lawyers give when I ask them what they’re curious about when it comes to the practice of law, and that’s generative AI.

We’re not the only ones talking about it. Last year, the Thomson Reuters Institute surveyed more than 440 lawyers in the US, UK, and Canada, and they found that lawyers are talking about it too, and have some very definite opinions. Continue Reading Generative AI: The Hot Topic on Every Lawyer’s Mind

This week, we’re excited to bring you a guest blogger to Zen! Ilona Tkachenko is with PETERKA & PARTNERS, the ILN’s member firm in Ukraine. She is the Marketing Manager for Ukraine for the firm and brings us an excellent post on innovation for legal excellence, which is certainly something that she and her colleagues know something about – and she does my favorite thing, which is to offer practical advice for how to achieve what she’s talking about.


In the ever-evolving landscape of the legal industry, where tradition and convention have long been seen as the foundations of practice, the integration of innovation has emerged as a game-changing force. The strategic implementation and development of innovation within a law firm are not just trends; they signify a paradigm shift that holds the potential to redefine legal excellence in the 21st century. But what exactly does innovation in the legal industry entail? Continue Reading Innovating Legal Excellence: A Paradigm Shift in the Modern Law Firm

One of the things I like to do is go through old posts of mine to see if there may be some utility in updating them for the current market. What’s the saying? Everything old is new again. And that always seems to be the case – even with content!

But today, I felt like talking about something brand new. So I asked my handy assistant, ChatGPT (the only assistant I can afford at the moment), what I should talk about for leadership in the legal industry. Its reply was this: Continue Reading The Role of Technology and Innovation in Shaping Future Legal Leadership

All right kids – I had an interesting chat this morning with one of my lawyers about the thing he’s most curious about in his practice. More and more, the answer to that question when I ask it has become “artificial intelligence” and “ChatGPT.” I have some additional thoughts on the subject (including the idea that his wife, as a teacher, said that homework is becoming irrelevant because she’s tired of reading the same ChatGPT-submitted answers over and over), but I wanted to try a little exercise for today’s post.Continue Reading Embracing Change: 5 Ways to Navigate the Legal Landscape in the Digital Era

I’m fresh off of a 12-day whirlwind business trip.

I traveled 14,983 miles over 19 flights and 1 bus trip. I visited six countries (while transiting through a total of 11 countries). I didn’t get very much sleep or eat nearly enough. But I certainly accomplished the goals that I set out to when I planned this trip, even if I might not organize six flights for one day the next time around.
Continue Reading Do we Deserve to Thrive…and not just Survive…at Work?

My title today comes from Luvvie Ajayi Jones, whose new book Rising Troublemaker: A Fear-Fighter Manual for Teens, comes out today (yes, my copy for my oldest niece arrives today too). Luvvie is one of my favorite authors, speakers, self-professed “troublemakers,” and the reason I’m mentioning her today is that the book I’m currently reading has me all fired up and her words this morning brought me some comfort (more on that shortly).

I’m reading The Future of the Professions: How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts by Richard and Daniel Susskind. And if you know me at all and follow this blog, I’m sure you’re wondering how such a book has got me in a lather – truthfully, I agree with almost all of the predictions in the book, which is unfortunately terribly dry and academic (Richard already has me blocked on Twitter for some unknown reason, so this post won’t fix our relationship). I’ve read his other tomes in earnest and enjoyed his previous speeches, but I am trudging my way through this manual from 2015 like I’m wading through oatmeal.
Continue Reading What Makes You Different is Your Superpower